
The Truth about the Enemy “Angels” and their Agenda


The enemy is aware that the Truth is coming out about them and their nasty works, big time. So expect naturally more lies on their behalf, outright violence, and the list goes. Everyone is becoming aware of them. One of their biggest problems is that people start to understand them spiritually as well. Doesn’t matter how many or how few, the thing is, few people can see beyond their lies. This has them terrified. Expect the worst reactions and the worst lies on their behalf.

They will even lie that the sky is red, only to save themselves, because of all they have done. The old days of burning people and Shoah6Trillion™ are coming to an end. Thanks to the WWW (666) which brought the enemy into their knees by promoting knowledge, free speech and being the only instrument from which people can finally be free in their education.

So, In response to HP Don’s most recent sermon, adding some more crucial info into understanding the bigger picture behind the so called “Angels”. Part of this has been covered, but there is some new information that fills in the gaps.

Satan has revealed to me something of importance that needs to be stated. He not only reveals totally the Agenda of the jews, but he showed me what I needed to know so we can go open about it. This is beyond serious. Its a matter of life and death. I saw this long ago and then the Gods instructed I should look into other things. Be aware that telepathic communication is more of like on what one can receive. In other words, mistakes can happen, but the grand message has been transferred anyway. Now its time for these to be shared.

The enemy greys are all interconnected, not psychically or anything, but in a huge database or a mass mind, technologically, with microchips and other means. They simply have totally abolished their so called “free will” and they have been totally subjected and enslaved. This means they all exist as one brain and they possess, as many ufologists have found out, zero to no self-consciousness of their own. They experience things like a hive mind.

The enemy has the same plan, down here, right now. For this to happen, all cultural differences, racial differences and so forth, need to be totally assimilated into “one” thing first, for the world to become a “global community”. When these are broken down and there is absolutely no resistence, the enemy wants to merely take this human waste product and make it a slave. Gradually removing even the ability to procreate freely, let alone anything else. This is no different than Communism, which is another creation of theirs, and promised castles in the sky but you only had Gulags and work camps for the Gentiles, and palaces for the kikes to reign from.

Let me explain further.

So you have this jew, Ray Kurzweil, who is yet another part of this whole story. Part of what he “predicts”, is just an expression of the future the enemy reptilian hive (of which the jews are offspring and part) have in mind for Humanity. Part of this plan, except of the wishy washy fake promises (like the lying bible does) is this:

“Kurzweil claims to know that a machine will pass the Turing test by 2029, and that around 2045, “the pace of change will be so astonishingly quick that we won’t be able to keep up, unless we enhance our own intelligence by merging with the intelligent machines we are creating”. Shortly after, Kurzweil claims to know that humans will be a hybrid of biological and non-biological intelligence that becomes increasingly dominated by its non-biological component. […] So over the next few decades our human-machine civilization will become increasingly dominated by its non-biological component. In Transcendent Man Kurzweil states “We humans are going to start linking with each other and become a metaconnection we will all be connected and all be omnipresent, plugged into this global network that is connected to billions of people, and filled with data.” [3]

Obviously, transcedence does not have one thing to do with shoving a jewish microchip into your brain, based on the promises of a kike about how fun its going to be. It has to do with Spiritual enlightenment. But since the Goyim don’t know, the jews try to sell this and marketize it, or create fake realities for the Goyim to live, in order to give them tea spooned their spiritual rights, which they have by birth, and Satan gave them freely. In order to just rob everythign away later. This is no different than “diversity” which if continued on the longterm, will wipe out all diversity from this planet and just create one debilitated “human race” that will be purely incompentent of dealing with both the internal existence within Earth, or the external existence outside of it.

As for the lower enemy entities, they are operated like a hive mind by the reptilians and other entities. Satan told me these beings are completely robbed of their free will and they are operated entirely through a computer by the Reptilian aliens, or other higher aliens. The enemy has absolutely NO consideration of the free will or right of existence for any other animal. They no longer exist in any personal way. They are merely assimilated. Communism inspired by the jews, who are offspring of Rabbinical families, show the same thing. This is the blueprint of Communism. No free will, no personal freedom, everyone is a numbered cattle and they execute commands like drones. Jewish Stalin and the Bolshevik Jews couldn’t materialize this further, merely because of lack of technological means. To the extent they could, they did this completely. That’s all.

The same blueprint is being carried in how they brainwash the masses endlessly and the list goes. With all available means, they take other beings over as much as possible, like their alien masters dictate. The plan for this planet and Humanity is a similar plan like the one with the greys. Who use them like pawns, or merely, like extensions of themselves and their will, while they themselves possess none. Its common knowledge in UFOlogy that most greys can’t even procreate, as this freedom has been taken from them all together.

They have no free “will” and therefore, they cannot “rebel” against “god” or any other higher power. They are loyal to “god” (the Reptilian aliens and the rest of the alien hive) completely. This is why the enemy hates rebellion with such passion. Now these ET beings who do this, in the book of the jews, place themselves under the role of “God”, and they put Satan in the other end, of the mere lower rebel and such. Its a book written by the enemies of Satan and their offspring, meant to confuse, deceive and lie.

This is why the enemy calls of “ministering angels”. These in the bible are the “Elohim”. Elohim does merely mean, beings of “Light”. Light is EL (ελ) in Hebrew and is stolen from Egypt, in which the sound is “EE-L” (ηλ) for the same word. This is also Bab-EL. The correct pronouncing is BAB-EEL. Contrary to popular belief, the Nefelim are more advanced and they are more evolved as entities than the “Elohim”. The “Elohim” are the “angels of JHVH” or the jewish “god”, or those around and alied under those who are the “Gods” or Ancestors of the jews. Which are those who HP Don mentioned. Anyone who masters or uses the light (magick) is associated with the above title. Keep this in mind, as “EL” merely means light, or Sunlight.

In the broad category of “Angels”, do fall a lot of beings, some of which are real, some of which are thoughforms, some of which appear merely when “called”, in one way or another. The jews talk of their physical ancestors, being aliens from the hive which they have named as “YHVH”, which they mention even descended and talked to the fictional “Abraham” and gave him the “Torah”. In any sense, they contacted their ancestors long ago and they made a pact with their progeny, which, their progeny has been loyally following since. They literally talk of carrying their genes and being divided from the rest of the planet.

The enemy says the “Angels” of “God”, also, do not possess free will. This is well known amongst scholars, Rabbis and mystics of the enemy, same as the fact that when these “Angels” are called, Greys or other hostile entities exist. They are also bloodthirsty and they enjoy seeing people die, or demand sacrifices, like JHVH himself does in the Bible. Many people who call these entities report on how they tell them to murder their own children, and even in the Bible its documented that they have a fetish for human killing and sacrifice. This is why the angels are merely serving, because they are not real beings, or ET beings that do exist in hives, or merely though forms created by the enemy, or all of the above. That is, created out of “EL” (light) by the jews themselves (thoughforms) or the enemy hives, to serve “god” and the jews.

The literal offspring of these hostile alien entities, are the jews. They themselves openly state it, going as far as to talk about their different DNA from ALL other people on EARTH. Part of their existential hatred against our Gods, is merely because of this knowledge, which their higher ones know, but the jews pretend to have disputes over. This is why the enemy advocates so strongly that the jews must “have no other Gods before me (says JHVH) [4] and that the “Gods of others will destroy the jews if followed by them ” [5].

The bible is basically a story of these cosmic battles between our Gods and the Gods of the enemy, in trying to control the planet and steer it into different dimensions. The jews know the Torah is a “possible” reality that can be materialized by their spiritual warfare and physical means. Its not in anyway the word of “god” and the jews know this entirely well. Satan’s side is pro freedom, individuality and the list goes, while the side of the enemy has a totally reptilian conception of how life should happen. By slavery. This manifests as communist, oppressive christian regimes, mass slavery and death and the list goes.

The enemy Rabbis are also totally aware of the ET reality behind all they are and do. They go as far as to openly state they openly COMMUNICATE with these entities. So don’t but the crap that the Joy of Satan is “lunatic” or does anything different. The only problem the enemy has is that we communicate with their enemies, who are the beings that are existentially allied aganst them, which are called “Demons” in the spiritual literature, most of which belong to the Nordic alien Race, and other Races, allied against the Reptilians and these Races that want to enslave Humanity. The kikes just throw dust into the eyes of people so that their occult and heavily alien conspiracy and racial dictatorship on the planet will go undisputed. The enemy themselves they know what’s up, at least most of those at the top.

The UFOlogists like David Kike, uh sorry, Icke, have a fetish of blaming “Orion” in being the home of the Reptilians which is a big ass lie. He even goes as far as to blame Satan for being a Reptilian and the list goes. While the evident is even in the bible, about the enemy jews who are the offspring of JHVH by their own word, they resemble the species known as “reptilian” aliens. Satan and the Gods, who are Pagan deities or protectors of the Pagans, resemble anything but “reptilians”. They represent Nordics. Their representations are everywhere on the Ancient world, where they give people knowledge, teach them, give them abilities and introduce them into the various sciences. The Truth is again, in reverse. The jews merely project all they are and do onto Satan. Satan and the Gods are Nordics mostly.

As for the “Truthers” and certain “UFOlogists” who are in the mainstream (because the jew of course let them spew their lies, or because they are their agents), they merely write more of the Bible and Jewish lies and try to make Satan seem responsible for all the enemy and their ET’s are doing all along, no different than christianity, or the kikes, who try to fend off responsibility and blame on Satan. This jewish world order does not in anyway reflect the slightest of Satan’s wishes.

The UFOlogists and “Truthers” of the enemy, do the exact same thing, but on a more modernized basis, trying to hide the Truth that is coming out behind the UFO and ET matters. This would come as destined by the times and the age of Aquarius, so the enemy endlessly lies and creates more frontiers to blind the people. The motto is the same. There is no advancement, love and happy sugar coat bullshit, brotherhood of “mankind”, “human race” and the list goes on. The same vile ET’s and ideas are lurking behind all these myriads of supposed “truths” and “choices”. No wonder in the jewish New Age movement, where most people talk to “Angels” or channel them, only to give out more worthless and stupid information, that further damns humanity. The messages projected are just as dumb as those who delude themselves in that they are receiving these.

The same goes for the supposed “Satanic Illuminati” that does have NOTHING to do with Satan, but is just a ripoff of the original Satanic Brotherhood of the Serpent of the Ancient times, that had to do with freedom, adjusted to the Reptilians and other creatures like the Jews so they can racially enslave the world. Much of the knowledge applied is stolen by the enemy and its adjusted to their offspring, so they can wage war on us. This is why the enemy uses these symbols for instance. Because they are symbols of power in general, not because they believe in them or own them. The enemy is quite aware of the fact that they are to preside over as a RACE amongst all other Races, calling themselves the seed of Abraham and children of JHVH. The rest of the “Goyim” are seed of Satan.

Satan must always get the blame, as he is the enemy of the jewish Race, who is behind ALL of this thing in regards to enslaving Humanity. Even in their texts, Satan is the liberator of Humanity and for this he is scorned and hated. Part of this liberation is the Truth, the ability to rebel, the ability to procreate, having the Serpent, ability to do magick and alter “Fate” etc. The Egyptians openly glorify the Orion belt, and the descriptions of the Gods show anything but any “Reptilian” entity. They show entities like them, which look entirely human and friendly. The head of the Sphinx is the head of actual ET Gods that came and descended down to Earth.

The jews are aware of everything. At least the serious ones. They are also totally aware, as they are a spiritual Racial caste, of what they are doing. They basically do what the Ancient Priests in the past did, only in a more watered down version, which is nevertheless a service to their jew hive. Despite of all their attempts to cover anything, or how they pretend to be presecuted and all these lies, the information should be easy to find. They know they are doing auras, magick, blessings, curses, spiritual warfare etc. The war against “Satan” is not a coincidence, neither some sort of ‘pseudoreligious warfare’. Same as the jews try to hide their racial factor, they try to brush away everything as superstition. The jews do know that Satan is REAL and that all of this extends further. To what degree, it varies. The real studied one’s of the enemy do though know entirely.

Though I advise against reading their bullshit as the lies are immense and one would need help from Satan in understanding these, or the Gods, as in face to face. The enemy lies relentlessly, its good to mention something like this here.

Here a Rabbi admits what the JoS has openly told you years ago, to be entirely TRUE. The Rabbis all know this to be a fact. Basically, everyone spiritual does, except of the Goyim who go to the church and give these hives energy, only to further destroy and enslave Humanity, and to wage attack against our Gods. The hatred of Rabbis against our Gods, and the jewish hatred, is not offbase.

Its hatred based on the fact that they are literally, of another creator, with another aims for Humanity. This is why they hate all non-jews (Satan’s Creation) with a sheer passion. Behind the so called names of Hebrew Angels, don’t hide real beings, but imposter beings, or hive minds, or just merely thoughforms. The “72” name of God n the Hebrew Kabbalah, is actually, the 72 names of the hebrew Angels of the bible. All these Angels or hive minds or thoughtforms, constitute a matrix or existence of the jewish “godform” and are part of it. Part of this are also jews. This “godform” is en masse called, “JHVH”. Its collectives of such beings, under a categorized name, who are nefarious and want to destroy Humanity.

From the writtings of Rabbi Ariel Tzadok [A kosher Rabbi] [2]:

” […]Raziel is a real entity, so is Sandalphon and so is Metatron. Yet, what most do not know is that these entities themselves are collective beings. Many entities share a single hive-mind, all thinking together as one, although their number is legion. There is only one Raziel, but many entities are part of the collective Raziel. The same is true of all the others in the angelic host. This is what is meant when it says that an angel has so many underlings serving under him. Essentially they are all part of him and are essentially him, himself. This is a reality shared by us human beings, but at present, we are for the most part oblivious to this.

Another one[2]:

“Modern opinions wish to adamantly claim that all Biblical records of angelic visitations were exclusively visionary experiences, and that there were absolutely no physical materialization at all. The majority of Torah opinions disagree with this view. The majority believe that non-corporeal angels take on physical form to come down to Earth, and then revert to their normal non-corporeal state. Maybe this is an accurate expression of their travels, but this says nothing about their natural state, in their natural habitat. ”

Yet another one, for the Demons this time. Remember, the jewish book of the bible, was written by hostile enemy ET’s. It doesn’t hold the True story. The Demons are superior to “god” or these beings. The war extends far further. “Fallen” is a ripoff concept. It merely means that someone has access to the lower dimensions of existence. In fact possessing a physical body and being a spiritual master, like our Gods, is what shows advancement. Non physical entities that do not possess or cannot possess a physical body, are weaker.

In one ancient teaching, recorded in Avot D’Rebbi Natan, there is discussion about another alien race of beings that we refer to as demonic. It is taught that these demonic entities share similar characteristics with both humans and angels. These entities like angels can be invisible, fly and have prescient knowledge of the future.
Like humans, these entities eat and drink, sexually procreate and die. Now, how can something ethereal and non-corporeal eat and drink, have sex and die, unless there is a definite physical component to them? Now let us extrapolate from what we do know on to what we want to know. If these demonic entities are the fallen angels,
spoken of in Genesis 6 and they can eat, drink, sexually procreate and die, does this mean that their non-fallen compatriots can do the same?

Yet another one [2]:

This episode in the life of Abraham seeing and actually interacting with corporeal angels, appearing as human, is not an isolated incident in the Torah, or in later Biblical literature. Thus the appearance of angels, then and now, might have a very real physical component to them. While knowledge of this as applied to understanding the Bible is nice, it is still only academic. Yet, angelic intervention amongst human beings never ended with the close of the Biblical cannon. Angels continue to intervene among us to this day. Countless stories, from around the world, have been told for centuries how this or that Rabbi met with Eliyahu HaNavi or some other Heavenly entity. The one thing these stories have in common is that the angel in question always comes in a physical form and always appears in the disguise of being simply human.

Another one which is long but very revealing[2]:

“This second method is how the entities, which Torah refers to as angels, come to Earth. In most cases when these entities appear, as was the case with Avram, they are referred to as men. They look like human beings and act like human beings; they even partake of a meal, eating human food. Their identities are somehow intuited, but if not for such “spiritual” sensitivity, their true identities would go unnoticed, as it was in Sodom.

When messengers from G-d come to Earth from whatever domain, abode or planet of their origins, they use some means of transportation that transports their essence, and enables that essence to materialize in a compatible form for life, here on Earth. As such, their perceived form would be that of a gaseous or plasma form, or possibly just
mere matter-less energy. Yet, while we see them as they are embodied here, and while we may perceive them in their gaseous or plasma mode of transport, this by no way concludes or confirms that their indigenous form in their domains of origins are anything of the kind. To us, an angel is a messenger sent for a reason to accomplish a purpose, but then what? Is the angel/messenger no more than a computer program, designed to mindlessly perform a function and that’s it, then to return to the oblivion from which it came? Are angel/messengers no more than some super advanced form of “alien” artificial intelligence, merely programmed and limited by the boundaries of such programming? If this is so, it would explain why some Sages have commented that angels have no free will. Yet, we see through Biblical example, and later Midrashic teachings, that angels do rebel against Heaven, and challenge the accepted order.”

Then, most revealing about who wants the world to become “One” and to impose a Jew World Order. Like the bible, chock full of fake promises. The meaning is one: all must be assimilated into one computer brain and then the reptilians or something must take over, or something. OR a fat jew will control the computer, or this “unity” or something, which will be later called “Messiah” by the jews:

“As for individual identities during these radical changes, Kurzweil suggests people think of themselves as an evolving pattern rather than a specific collection of molecules. Kurzweil says evolution moves towards “greater complexity, greater elegance, greater knowledge, greater intelligence, greater beauty, greater creativity, and greater levels of subtle attributes such as love”.[38] He says that these attributes, in the limit, are generally used to describe God. That means, he continues, that evolution is moving towards a conception of God and that the transition away from biological roots is in fact a spiritual undertaking.[38]” [6]

Doesn’t matter where the jews are at. In your church, in their synagogue, in the head of Cern or Google, or in some parliament. They work only in one thing. Deception, lying to people, and trying to promise that they give them the best when they merely move them in a large assimilation. To loss of all identity, with the higher purpose being what Satan reveals.

Lies here, lies there, cover ups. That’s all. The thing is and remains the same. The Ancient mission of the jews the same. To enslave the world, simply put.

More comments that testify the Jews literally believe Satan to be real being and a real entity, with real powers, that works against them overtime for their destruction. These also testify about their spiritual war against “Satan” and the “Demons” of Satan.

“The Talmud put the matter succinctly: “One should never open his mouth to Satan,” that is, evil talk is nothing less than an invitation to the demons.” [1]

“The medieval literature is full of warnings against “opening one’s mouth to Satan,” but warnings do not suffice and the lesson is driven home by frequent tales of the grievous consequences of suchincaution.” [1]

“The words of holy writ were the most potent charms against the forces of evil. Upon all critical occasions, when spirit attacks were feared, such as prior to a funeral, or the night before circumcision (the Wachnacht), or indeed all the eight nights after birth, or the nights of holydays which are momentous for the fate of the individual, such as Yom Kippur and Hoshana Rabbah, studying the Bible and other holy writings was a common prophylactic. “As soon as a man has ceased his preoccupation with the words of Torah Satan has permission to attack”; this was the general principle.’” [Obviously, “permission” is part of the jewish lies, which they hope applied but people should know by now of the lying jewish nature, and their megalomaniac syndrome] [1]

[1] Jewish Magic and Superstition, by Joshua Trachtenberg, [1939]
[2] Writtings of Ariel Tzadok, Kosher Rabbi, http://Www.KosherTorah.Com
[4] Bible, Old Testament, Exodus 20:3
[5] Bible, Old Testament, Joshua 24:20, Deuteronomy 8:19

The Unavenged Outrage: Christ’s Exsistence Not Substantiated By Historical Evidence

Written by Ben Klassen.
Thanks to HPs Maxine for sharing it.

“In the previous material it has been fairly well proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Christianity is a suicidal philosophy or teaching. If taken seriously enough by its followers it will destroy them, and if a whole race or nation takes it seriously enough and faithfully attempts to follow the teachings of the The Sermon on the Mount then that whole nation will destroy itself.

The great Roman nation, the finest civilization produced by the White Race in classical times, in the first few centuries A.D., did take Christianity seriously, and it did destroy itself, never to rise again. Where did Christianity originate ? If we read the Jewish Bible, the Old Testament and the New testament, we will not get the correct answers. The fact is Christianity is, and was, a Jewish creation, dreamed up, composed, and promoted by the hierarchy of the Jewish Race, undoubtedly, by the Elders of the Sanhedrin itself.

It is, in fact, an unholy teaching designed to unhinge and derange the White Gentile intellect and to cause him to abandon his real responsibilities of doing that for which Nature created him. It is an unnatural and completely perverted attitude towards the natural surroundings with which Nature has provided us. Whereas the full impact of it completely destroyed the Roman Empire within less than two centuries after it became the adopted religion of Rome, it is today still an overriding influence hanging like a shadow over affairs and thinking throughout the world. It is, therefore, important that we trace its origin, despite the fact that much evidence has been deliberately destroyed and many roadblocks have been placed in the way of objectively even considering the evidence that still survives.

Anyone recapturing his senses and looking at that evidence will find hat its origin is much different from what our church fathers today would have us believe. However, let us take at face value what the church fathers and the “Holy” bible are teaching us today. The first page of the New Testament, Matthew 1, immediately makes it clear that Jesus was a Jew and it traces his genealogy all the way from Abraham through David through Joseph to Christ. At another place it gives the genealogy of Mary, and makes sure that we are fully aware that she, too, is a Jew.

Here, immediately, the first major contradiction is revealed, glaringly revealed, that is, if Jesus was the Son of God how could he also be the son of Joseph ? Anyway, be that as it may, we now look at the disciples of Jesus and the apostles and we find that Matthew, who supposedly wrote the first book in the New Testament, was also called Levi, son of Altheus and was, as so many Jews are, a tax collector in Capernaum. We find that the Apostle Mark, who wrote the second book of the New Testament, was also called John Mark, he son of Mary, in whose home in Jerusalem the early Christians gathered and he was a cousin of Barnabas. We find, that above all, Mark was also a Jew. We now come to St. Luke, who was probably the only Gentile in the group of twelve.

Historians regard him as a Gentile physician. However, he was under the complete dominance of Paul, who was a proselyte Jew, and Luke spent most of his life as a disciple traveling around in the company of Paul, the Jew. We now come to Apostle John whom we find is also a Jew, along with his brothers Peter and James. We now come to the Apostle Paul, who changed his name from the real name of Saul, born in tarsus, of Jewish parents, and a man who was reared strictly in the Jewish tradition of the Pharisees of his time. Of the 27 books of the New Testament, it was Paul who is credited with writing 14 of them and credited with writing well over half of the New Testament itself.

And so it goes. Of the 12 disciples that Christ supposedly had, all of them Jews with the possible exception of Luke and as we noted he was completely under the influence of Paul. It is more than passing strange that, according to the New Testament itself, the writers, preachers, and apostles of this “New Teaching,” as well as the supposed founder himself, are all Jews with very little exception. It is more than passing strange also that the Jews themselves never accepted this highly suicidal teaching but were tremendously active in promoting and foisting it on the Gentiles in general, and the great Roman nation in particular. We do not doubt that these Jewish characters were fanatically active in promoting the suicidal new teaching of Christianity, nor do we doubt that they had not only hundreds but thousands of Jewish helpers that were the “Hidden Hand” that promoted the spread of this teaching among the Romans and Gentiles in the Roman Empire.

There is, however, serious doubt that such a character as Jesus Christ ever lived at all, and there is, however, overwhelming evidence to indicate he did not exist, but was figment of the Jewish of the Jewish imagination. The beginning of the Christian era found Rome near the height of her civilization. Her supremacy, in the then known world, was pretty much unchallenged and it was the beginning of a long period of peace. To be specific, Pax Romana (Roman Peace) lasted approximately 200 years beginning with the reign of Caesar Augustus. Rome was highly literate, there were many great writers, scholars, historians, sculptors and painters, not to mention other outstanding men of philosophy and learning. Yet it is highly strange that despite the great commotion and fanfare that supposedly heralded the birth of Christ and also his crucifixion (according to the bible), we find not a single historian nor a single writer of the era who found time to tale note of it in their writings. Outside of the fabricated biblical writings, no Roman historian, no Roman writer, and no Roman play-writer, has left the slightest hint that he had the faintest awareness that this supposedly greatest of all greats was in their very midst and preaching what is claimed the greatest of all the new gospels.

Whereas Caesar left voluminous writings that are still extant today and can be studied by our high school boys and girls, Christ himself, who had supposedly the greatest message to deliver to posterity that the world has ever known, left not the slightest scrap of paper on which he had written a single word. This, in fact, the biblical literature itself confirms and mentions only that once he did write in the sand. Today we can still study Cicero;s great orations and writings. He has left over 800 letters behind that we can study to this day.

We can study whole books of what Marcus Aurelius wrote, we can study what Aristotle wrote, what Plato wrote, and scores of others wrote that were contemporary with the first beginning of the Christian era, or preceded it. But strangely there is not a word that is in writing hat can be attributed to Jesus Christ himself. Furthermore, the Greeks and the Romans of that era, and even previously and afterwards, had developed the art of sculpturing to a fine state. We can find busts of Cicero, of Caesar, Of Marcus Aurelius and innumerable other Greek and Roman dignitaries and lesser lights, but nor one seemed to think it important enough to sculpture a likeness of Jesus Christ. And the reason undoubtedly is there was none to model at the time.

There were undoubtedly numerous skilled artists and painters at that time, but again strangely enough none took the time or the interest to paint a likeness of this purportedly greatest of all teachers, who in fact was proclaimed the Son of God come to earth. But no painting was ever made of this man, who, we are told, gathered great multitudes around him and caused great consternation and fear even to King Herod of Judea himself.

Now all of this is very, very strange, when, if, as the Bible claims, the birth of Jesus Christ was ushered in with great fanfare and great proclamations. Angels proclaimed his birth. An exceedingly bright star pointed to his place of birth. In Matt. 2:3, it says, “When Herod, the king, had heard of these things he was troubled and all Jerusalem with him.” We can hardly gather from this that no one was aware of the fact that the King of the Jews, the great Messiah, was born, for we are told in the preceding verse that the Wise Men came to King Herod himself saying, “Where is he that is born King of the Jews, for we have seen his star in the East and we are come to worship him.” Evidently the event was even lit up with a bright star from heaven.

In any case, King Herod, we are told in Matt. 3, was so worried that he sent the Wise Men to Bethlehem to search diligently for the young child to bring it to him so he undoubtedly could have him put to death. As the story further unfolds we learn that Joseph heard of this and quietly slipped out in the night taking with him his wife, the young child and a donkey and departed for Egypt. When Herod found out that he had been tricked it says that he “was exceedingly wroth and sent forth and slew all children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under.” Now this is a tremendously drastic act for a King to take, that is, to have murdered all the children in the land that were under two years of age. Again we can hardly say that the birth of Jesus was unheralded, unannounced and unobserved, according to the story in the bible. However, it is very, very strange that this act of Herod, as drastic and criminally harsh as it is, is nowhere else recorded in the histories or writings of any of the other numerous writers of the times. All we have is the claims of those people who wrote the New Testament. In fact, whoever wrote the New Testament invented so many claims that are inconsistent with the facts that they even made a rather glaring error by pulling King Herod into the story. History tells us that in the year 1 A.D. When Christ was supposedly born, Herod had already been dead for four years. He could hardly been disturbed or very wroth about the birth of anybody in the year 1 A.D.

There is further great evidence that Matthew, Mark, Luke and John never wrote any of those chapters that are supposedly attributed to them. What historical evidence can be dug up reveals that they were written much later, not at the time that Jesus supposedly said all those things, but somewhere around 30 to 50 years later by a person or persons unknown. Furthermore, when we compare the first four books of the gospel with each other, which supposedly tell more or less the same story, we find that they contradict each other in so many details that one need only read them for himself to pick them out. I neither have the time, the space, not the inclination to go into all these contradictions. They are too numerous. I do not contend that it really makes a great deal of difference whether there ever was a Jewish character by the name of Jesus Christ that led to the creation of a new religion to be foisted on the Gentiles for their destruction. The point is that, in any case, it was the Jews collectively who created and promoted this new teaching upon and it did destroy the Roman civilization.

Nevertheless, the evidence is overwhelming that these ideas long preceded the Christian era and it was not Christ who came out with them but a Jewish sect called the Essenes who lived on the border of the Dead Sea. It was they who had already evolved the ideas contained in the Sermon on the Mount but have been attributed to Christ. Not only had they evolved the same ideas as set forth in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, but the wording, the phraseology and the sentences were the same and they preceded the supposed time of the Sermon on the Mount by anywhere from 50 to 150 years.

The Essenes were a Jewish religious group living in approximately the first century B.C. And the first century A.D. We have important sources of their contemporary writings in the historian Josephus and also in the philosopher Philo. They are also mentioned by various other Roman and Greek writers of those times in which their religious teachings are revealed in considerable detail. However, in the last twenty years the thousands of Dead Sea Scrolls, many of which were written by the Essenes themselves, reveal a tremendous amount of insight into their religious teachings, and above all, reveal that they preceded and preempted the Sermon on the Mount word for word, so that the so-called “new” teachings of a figure supposedly appearing from heaven in the year 1 A.D. And preaching during the years 3 to 33 A.D. Were neither original nor were they new.

Furthermore, we learn that the Essenes were notable for their communistic society, their extreme piety and purity and their practice of celibacy. They possessed all their worldly goods in common and looked upon private property as an evil which might divert them from sanctity. They engaged in agriculture and handicrafts, considering these occupations less sinful than others. They also practiced baptism, and this practice preceded the the Christian era by at least one hundred. So the Christian apostles can hardly be credited with having instituted the ritual of baptism, as is claimed.

Why, the average reader might ask, haven’t we been told more about the Essenes if they were the original practitioners of Christianity? There are two good and overriding answers for that. The Christians on their part, although the early Christian fathers were well aware of the Essene teachings and writings, took every measure possible to destroy them and purge them from circulation. The reason being they did not want their presence known because it would undermine their dogma that Christ was the originator of the New teaching. It would make impossible the claim that this was a great new revelation sent forth by God himself amid the hosannas and singing of angels. The Jews, on the other hand, did not want to reveal the presence of the Essenes because they wish to completely hide any connection between the Jews and the new religious teaching that they were about to administer unto the Gentiles. They even went to great lengths to appear hostile to it.

Before I go further into the highly illuminating and highly interesting Dead Sea Scrolls I want to make just one further point that is that the original manuscripts on which the New Testament supposedly based is always alluded to being translated from the “Original Greek.” Since the New Testament repeats over and over again and again that Paul spoke to his flock in Jewish and that Jesus spoke in Jewish and that the Apostles were Jewish, why, then, is it that the manuscripts were all in Greek?

The historical facts add up to this : the Jewish hierarchy and undoubtedly the whole conspiracy was well coordinated and had many, many members and co-workers. It was not written at the time of Christ at all, but the movement was given great promotion by the combined efforts of the Jewish nation. As they organized and promoted their ideas further, these were reduced to writing considerably later than the years 30 to 33 A.D. When Christ supposedly came out with these startlingly and “new” revelations. The conclusions are that they were written by Jewish persons whose identity we shall never know and were written by collectively by many authors, were revised from time to time and not only in their original formation and formulation but have been revised time and time again throughout the centuries to become more effective and persuasive propaganda.

However, we want to go further into the teachings of the Essenes and who they were and why their particular teachings were pounced upon by the Jews to be formulated into a well distilled poisonous brew and then fed to the Gentiles. The Dead Sea Scrolls, which are more numerous and much more revealing than the Jewish press of today has informed us tell us much about the teachings and the life of the Essenes. One of the important things that they tell us about the Essenes is that they vanished from the face of the earth after about two centuries of existance and the termination date being somewhere around the year 100 A.D. They were, needless to say, only a very small sect of the Jewish tribes and not a part of the Jewish conspiracy as such. Being outside of the mainstream of Jewish activity and thought, the Jews nevertheless observed from them that this kind of teaching could ruin and destroy a people. The Jews, looking for a way to destroy the Roman nation, who in the year 70 A.D. had destroyed and levelled Jerusalem to the ground, noted well what these teachings were and decided to perpetuate them on the Romans.

Essenism was really a revolutionary new form of social order, an ideal cooperative commonwealth in miniature. Instead of the Messiah, the ideal of the Essenes was the “Teacher of Righteousness.” They established a new cooperative communitarian brotherhood and they were the first religious society to establish and observe the sacraments of baptism and the eucharistic meal. Most important of all they were the firs group to condemn and abolish the age old institution of human slavery. Furthermore, the “Teacher of Righteousness” as promulgated by the Essenes may not have been the first pacifist in history, but he was the first to implement his pacifist theories with an overall practical measure, which if generally adopted, would abolish war. This, of course, was a wonderful religion for the Jews to sell to the Romans, for if they convert the Romans into submissive pacifists they could certainly soon thereafter dominate them in full. And this they did.

The Essenes lived in the area of Qumran near the Dead Sea and according to Philo, the Jewish Philosopher and writer contemporary of that age, “the Essene brotherhood would not allow the manufacture of any weapons or allow within their community any maker of arrows, spears, swords or any manufacture of engines of war, nor any man occupied with a military avocation, or even with peaceful practices which might easily be converted to mischief.” Not only does Philo tell us about the Essenes, but also Josephus and Pliny, both contemporary historians, tell us much about the Essenes.

As mentioned before, much is emerging also from the study of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The overriding fact that emerges from the study of the writings of the historians of that time and the Dead Sea Scrolls is this tremendously significant fact: namely that the beliefs, teachings, and practices attributed to Jesus Christ, although not exactly identical in all respects with those of the Essene school, were nevertheless, closer to those of the Essenes than to those of the Bishops of the Ecumenical Council which determined the Nicene Creed of orthodox Christianity.

So we can come to the obvious conclusion that the Christian beliefs and doctrines as supposedly enunciated by Christ in the Sermon on the Mount did not originate at all at that time but at least 100 years earlier from a Jewish sect called the Essenes living near the Dead Sea; that the Elders of Sanhedrin recognized this teaching as being deadly and suicidal; that they further took this doctrine and distilled and refined it into a working creed; the Jews then, with a great deal of energy and tremendous amounts of propaganda (in which they excel), promoted and distributed this poisonous doctrine among the Romans.

Setting this creed down in writing in what is now called the New Testament evolved over the next several centuries. It was written by persons unknown to us today but undoubtedly of Jewish origin. Furthermore, to give it a mystical and heavenly sent deification, they invented the person of Jesus Christ, and claimed that he was the Son of God. Then, having laid the ground work for this new church, they consolidated that power at a meeting in Nicene, where the creation of the new church was solidified, the creed formalized and given official sanctification. Thus, in short, was launched the new church and the new religion of “Jesus Christ” which was fabricated out of thin air. Not a single trace of the Jesus Christ personage can be found in authentic history. Nevertheless, this newly fabricated hoax of Jesus Christ, the Son of God this idea, with all its suicidal doctrines, was soon to pull down in ruins the great Roman Empire and the great White civilization that went with it.”