
Scythian Origin of the Hungarian People

Scythian Warrior of Satan

The origin of the Hungarian people has been a subject of debate for centuries. That is, among historians but not among the Hungarian people themselves. The Hungarian Chronicles show that the Hungarian people have been aware of their Scythian ancestry long before they settled in the Carpathian Basin. Not only that, other nations throughout Europe, the Middle East and Asia refer to them as Scythians, and directly relate them to the Huns of Attila.

No genetic study that attempts to disprove their ancestral knowledge has been successful in changing their understanding of their past. During the Austrian and Communist oppressions, false theories of their origins were forced upon them and forced into the history books. However, ancient and medieval sources all confirm the Scythian origin of the Hungarians. Since the fall of Communism in 1989, Hungarian historians have been able to trace the Scythian ancestry of the Magyars with access…

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